So here's the story. At around 6pm we notice that our AC isn't on. This is not a good sign since it got up to 107 today. After a quick investigation we came to the horrific truth: our power was out. Since we had our AC blasting at 68 degrees we were lucky in the sense that we could keep the house cool while we waited out the 10 minutes of no power. In the summertime here in California, like most places, the sun goes down between 8:30 and 9:30 and at this time we still didn't have power. So much for 10 minutes.
Since we were in the process of moving out of our base housing, we didn't have any candles, lanterns, or flashlights so when night fell it got dark quick. Let me take the time to tell you that the temperature was still in the 90s. People are getting calls left and right from their Squadrons wanting to know if they were ok and if they needed anything. I, on the other hand, had to be the one calling my shop to see what we could do.
A Security Forces cruiser circles around our Court and announce that the gym has beds and AC for those of us without power. Oh I forgot to mention that not all of Georgetown was without power, just our side. So the Wims trio headed to the gym.
They have the foldable cots set up like the ones you sleep on during Warrior Week in Basic, and I don't know what the gym considers AC, but our views are way different. Not that I'm trying to sound like a complainer, but this wasn't exactly the fun night of popcorn and movies that we had planned. So after we get all set up a 1st Sergeant from the MDOS comes by and wants to know if we need anything. Thanks to Alexis they didn't like the conditions that we were in so they set up the Hospitality Room for us at the Dorms. So the Wims trio headed to the dorms. We get to the room and it smells like dust. There is a bunk bed that we are going to sleep on, a T.V. with cable (this was actually a big deal) and a VHS player. This was better than the gym but nothing can compare to your own home.
Anywhoo, I run back to the house to grab out pillows and fresh undies for us since we can shower at the dorms and out of habit I flip the light switch and the light came on. They had set up a generator at the end of the street and so I ran back, got Becky and Alexis, and six hours after the power went off we came back home to finally go to bed.
1 comment:
Wow, what an eventful night! Glad you were able to go back home!
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