Friday, February 20, 2009

Pics at the mall

So, yesterday we got approached by the picture people to do a photo shoot for free and get a free 10X13, this has happened before, business must be slow, and both times the kids were wearing the most random things that they had picked out themselves. The pics always turn out so cute even though the boys are a mismosh of colors and themes.


Ber said...

These pics are so CUTE!! I love greggie's face on the first one! So adorable! Love you!

Ande said...

They do take good pics, but man are they expensive to buy. We started going to the JCPenny one in the mall and they do a wonderful job too. How are things gonig?

Rayna said...

Guess what, I use to work there!
cute pics! How are you feeling?m

Sarah and Val said...

I love those portraits. And the boys were at least dressed similarily. They are great photos.