Saturday, January 3, 2009

Outside Activities

We had so much fun playing outside this evening on our scooters and tricycle!!


Billy and Lizzie Calban said...

It looks like fun! Baby Billy got a trike (that looks like a bike...a kawasaki bike) and he is just a little too short for it yet...he tries to play with it but he will just have to wait!!

Ronda said...

what fun. The boys are so cute!

Sarah and Val said...

I bet they love being home. They are so cute.

Ande said...

Looks like they are having fun. They were so cute baring their testimonies yesterday. I always get a kick out of little kids doing it. Hope you are feeling good, give me a call.

Ber said...

I'm happy to see your monkey's are back with ya!

Leah said...

FUN FUN We have a Stuart Little doll that has the exact same jackets as Greg and Jack! How cute!